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Wind-driven water level fluctuations drive marsh edge erosion variability in microtidal coastal bays

Valentine, K., and G. Mariotti, 2019, Wind-driven water level fluctuations drive marsh edge erosion variability in microtidal coastal bays, Continental Shelf Research 176: 76-89


Retreating marsh shoreline creates hotspots of high-marsh plant diversity

Elsey-Quirk, T., Mariotti, G., Valentine, K., and K. Raper, 2019, Retreating marsh shorelines create hotspots of high-marsh plant diversity, Nature Scientific Reports 9(1): 5795.


Mud-associated organic matter and its direct and indirect role in marsh organic matter accumulation and vertical accretion

Mariotti, G., Elsey-Quirk, T., Bruno, G., and K. Valentine, 2020, Mud-associated organic matter and its direct and indirect role in marsh organic matter accumulation and vertical accretion, Limnology and Oceanography 65(11): 2627-2641.

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Repeated erosion of cohesive sediments with biofilms

Valentine, K., Mariotti, G., and S. Fagherazzi, 2014, Repeated erosion of cohesive sediments with biofilms. Advances in Geosciences, 39(39), 9-14.


Suspended sediment dynamics in a deltaic estuary controlled by subtidal motion and offshore river plumes

Payandeh, A.R., Justic, D., Mariotti, G., Huang, H., Valentine, K., and N.D. Walker, 2021, Suspended sediment dynamics in a deltaic estuary controlled by subtidal motion and offshore river plumes, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 250: 107137.


Does eutrophication affect the ability of biofilms to stabilize muddy sediments?

Valentine, K., G. Mariotti, 2020, Does eutrophication affect the ability of microphytobenthos to stabilize muddy sediments?, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 232: 106490.

Time-dependent behavior of a placed bed of cohesive sediment subjected to erosion and deposition cycles

Mariotti, G., Valentine, K., and S. Fagherazzi, 2014, Time-dependent behavior of cohesive sediments subjected to erosion and deposition cycles, Ocean Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0798-2.


Climate-driven tradeoffs between landscape connectivity and the maintenance of the coastal carbon sink

Valentine, K., Herbert, E.R., Walters, D.C. et al. Climate-driven tradeoffs between landscape connectivity and the maintenance of the coastal carbon sink. Nat Commun 14, 1137 (2023).


Benthic Biofilm Potential for Organic Carbon Accumulation in Salt Marsh Sediments

Valentine, K., Hotard, A., Elsey-Quirk, T., and G. Mariotti, in review , Benthic biofilm potential for organic carbon accumulation in salt marsh sediments, Wetlands. (Preprint available on EarthArXiv)


Brackish marshes erode twice as fast as saline marshes in the Mississippi Delta region

Valentine, K., Bruno, G., Elsey-Quirk, T., and G. Mariotti, 2021, Brackish marshes erode twice as fast as saline marshes in the Mississippi Delta region, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46(9): 1739-1749,

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Litter Decomposition in Retreating Coastal Forests

Valentine, K.,* Smith, A.J.*, Small, J.M., Khan, A., Gedan, K., Nordio, G., Fagherazzi, S., and M.L. Kirwan, 2024, Litter decomposition in Retreating Coastal Forests, Estuaries and Coasts 47: 1139-1149.


*co-first authors

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